Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

its march!

Yeah, The third month wawawa somuch to tell nih hahaha ngga deng. First at all i'll give you Birthday Lists!!check it ;)
1 march : Ibu Puji
3 march : Idil
10 march : Zizi
14 march : Fajri
16 march : Ervina
23 march : Lonte
24 march : Tapenk
25 march : ME ME ME!!!!kasih korek yah :)
26 march : Vera
30 march : Puput
and others but i forget hehehehe
Second,its March and UN will be held on 29th March!!!!damnhellshit gue ngga siap takuuuut banget haduh haduh belajar masih ngga bener gini masih mending dapet bocoran kalo ngga?haduuuh nangis darah deh )_( sumpah tolong doa dong hahaha apasih lebay. Doain ya nem gue nyampe 35. Pokoknya harus harus harus nem nya harus 35an gila kalo ngga malu gue sm bokap nyokap udah ngasih gue les sebegitu tapi gue nya tetep ngga bikin bangga hehehe. OPTIMIS BISA. Byeee!

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